Happy New Year!

Ahh, a fresh start! The opportunity for new routines and new rhythms. I just love that feeling! Every year I begin by looking back in my journals of past and check in with myself. What was I hoping the year to be? What was my word for the year? Well, funny enough I wrote that I wanted more time with my family, to work smarter, and not get bogged down with negative energy around our business. My word for the year was boundaries. In a sense I got both, not sure I would have chosen how I got there but here we are. Heidi and I walked yesterday (such a treat) and we both agreed we felt lighter on the other side of 2020. It has been a hard road, but we both feel healthier, more grounded and excited to see what 2021 brings.

My word for 2021 is curiosity. As Edith Egar says, “Instead of saying why me? Try, what’s next?” That gets me excited, the not knowing. I do know I feel hopeful, positive and just plain excited to move into this new year! I am curious of what I will learn, who I will meet, who will I reconnect with and who will I get to spend more time with and lastly, what will healing look like for our country?

What’s your word this year? What are you curious about?

xo Lynn


Warm Up From the Inside Out!


Love and the Great Silence